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If you already signed up to attend the event, here are the event details:

Illinois & Missouri Advocates: Advocacy Teams Info & Action Session

Join us on Zoom!
245 2nd St NE
When: Thursday, November 2, 8:00 PM (event is now over)
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Please reach out to and for more information.

Join FCNL’s fast-growing national network of advocates taking collective action to advance peace in federal policy. Advocacy Teams Organizer Mwandeyi Kamwendo will discuss the power of constituent lobbying and how FCNL Advocacy Teams are bringing the conversation to Congress along with Regional Anchor Pamela Minden and Quaker Engagement Program Manager Bobby Trice.

Are you ready to learn how you can drive change in Congress? Come discover how you can join or start your own local team with FCNL support, learn what Quaker advocates in your region are doing, and join the movement. Questions? Please reach out to and for more information.

This event is co-hosted by FCNL and the Illinois Yearly Meeting.