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Quaker Witness on Gun Violence

When: Wednesday, July 27, 6:30 PM Eastern time (event is now over)
Your host says: Join the Zoom video conference online or via telephone.
Time: July 27, 6:30 p.m. EDT.

Go to: Or call: US: +1 301 715 8592 . Then enter the Meeting ID: 820 2927 5353#

You shouldn't need this, but just in case:

Meeting ID: 820 2927 5353
Passcode: 273787

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Questions? Reach out to Emma Hulbert (

Gun violence is devastating in our country. In the wake of tragedies in Uvalde, Buffalo, Tulsa, and so many other communities, Congress finally passed a bipartisan gun reform bill in late June – but much more needs to be done. For so many of us, this issue is personal. Since losing their daughter to gun violence in 2001, Nick and Amanda Wilcox have channeled their grief and rage into advocating for gun violence prevention at the national and local level.

Join us on Weds. July 27 at 6:30 p.m. EDT for a conversation with these Friends about their perspectives on working to end gun violence in communities and through national policy change. FCNL’s Director of Quaker Leadership Alicia McBride will moderate the conversation.