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If you already signed up to attend the event, here are the event details:
Supporting Friends’ Discernment on Reproductive Health
When: |
Wednesday, March 22, 6:30 PM
Eastern time
(event is now over)
Your host says: |
Join the Zoom video conference online or via telephone. Time: March 22nd, 6:30 p.m. EDT.
Go to: Or call: US: +1 301 715 8592 . Then enter the Meeting ID: 820 2927 5353#
You shouldn't need this, but just in case:
Meeting ID: 820 2927 5353 Passcode: 273787
We will send you this information to join the event via email as well. If you do not receive a confirmation email presently, please check your spam folders.
Questions? Reach out to Clare Carter ( |
FCNL’s Policy Committee has invited Friends to listen deeply in their communities around issues of reproductive health care, including abortion. Friends are invited to share the results of their discernment and to offer guidance on what FCNL should say about these issues in its policy statement. Join members of the Policy Committee and Friends who are organizing these sessions for perspectives and advice on engaging your Quaker meeting or church in discernment to guide FCNL’s policy going forward.