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There are 3 events open for signup.

If you already signed up to attend the event, here are the event details:

FCNL @ 80: Past, Present, and Future

When: Wednesday, June 21, 4:00 PM Eastern time (event is now over)
Your host says: To join the zoom meting go to:

Or call:
+1 301 715 8592 . Then enter the Meeting ID: 820 2927 5353#

On it’s 80th anniversary, join three current and past FCNL general secretaries for an online conversation about FCNL’s past, present, and future.

Get a sneak peek of FCNL’s 80th-anniversary video, FCNL @ 80.

Speaking will be Bridget Moix (general secretary since 2022), Diane Randall (general secretary, 2011-2021), and Joe Volk (executive secretary (1990-2011).