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Calling for a Ceasefire: Israel-Palestine Briefing

When: Wednesday, October 25, 6:30 PM Eastern time (event is now over)
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+1 301 715 8592 . Then enter the Meeting ID: 820 2927 5353#

In war, civilians always pay the highest price. As the crisis in Israel and Palestine deepens following the attack by Hamas on Israel and Israel’s retaliatory violence, our voices are needed.

As Quakers and advocates for peace, we have an important role to play in advocating for a ceasefire to prevent the tragic loss of more innocent lives—including those of the Israeli hostages and the roughly 1 million children who live in Gaza.

On Oct. 25, we will gather as a community in grief and action. Join FCNL’s Bridget Moix, Hassan El-Tayyab, and Odeliya Matter, and Joyce Ajlouny, General Secretary for the American Friends Service Committee, for insights into what is happening in Israel-Palestine, the response from U.S. lawmakers, and what we can do as advocates to respond.